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WOW - the walk to school challenge


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WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (walk/wheel, cycle or scoot) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge. It's that easy!

It's simple to run and children love taking part. Each year, the collectable WOW badges are designed by pupils in our annual badge design competition. On average, WOW schools see a 30% reduction in car journeys taken to the school gate and a 23% increase in walking rates. Plus a whole host of other benefits!

graphic with butterfly and boy paragliding with a little girl on a pink unicorn

OUR 2024/25 THEME IS:


Every year, WOW and its badges follow a different, fun and educational theme. This year’s theme, 'Walk with imagination' invites pupils to stretch their creativity, asking them to imagine a different walk to school. From soaring through the skies like an eagle to exploring the depths of the ocean, we want to inspire pupils to dream big while learning and embracing the many wonders of walking to school.


three simple steps to WOW


Join the over 2000 UK schools already on board!

Head to our shop or find out ways to fund WOW at your school?

3 badges in a row


Find out all you need to know about the WOW badges, where they come from and how to recycle them.


Our award-winning Travel Tracker allows pupils to log how they get to school everyday.


Depending on area and availability, your school may be eligible for free WOW.


Little classroom time

Less than 10 minutes of a teacher’s day! The most important part of WOW happens before the school day even starts.

Low cost

WOW is around £2 per pupil; just a fraction of your PE and Sport Premium per child.

Instils healthy habits

Promotes healthy mental wellbeing by improving behaviour and concentration levels in class.

Reduces congestion

1 in 4 cars on the road each morning are on the school run - but WOW can turn that around!

Increases walking rates

Walking rates at participating schools increase by 23% in the first five weeks. WOW Travel Tracker helps you keep track of your schools modes of travel.


Helps you achieve your outstanding OFSTED schools rating and Modeshift STARS and Healthy Schools status.


We understand that walking to school isn’t an option for everyone and so aim to adapt WOW – our walk to school challenge – in these situations, so that all pupils have a chance to be awarded a WOW badge. 

Our schools team can work with school staff, including SENCO, to establish a bespoke approach to WOW that works for them and their school community’s needs. Here are some examples of ways we’ve done this in the past. 

If you have any questions on the adaptability of WOW in SEND schools or have suggestions of how we can improve, please email [email protected]

Climate Action Plan

Walking to school with Living Streets can form part of a school’s Climate Action Plan. A climate action plan is a detailed plan to enable your education setting to progress or commence sustainability initiatives and should typically cover four areas to align with DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy, including decarbonisation.  

Encouraging pupils and their parents/carers to walk to school can reduce congestion outside your school gates and reduce carbon emissions. Our WOW Travel Tracker will record your progress, showing how many pupils have switched their journey to active travel.