Contact Us

If you're not sure who to contact, send us an email: [email protected] or call us on 020 7377 4900. You can also say hi to us on X/Twitter @livingstreets
If you are ordering any resources, visit our shop or email [email protected]
For queries on your membership - for example your start date, how to change your donation amount or if you would like to cancel - please email [email protected]

Registered office
Stroke Association House, 240 City Road, London
020 7377 4900
[email protected]
Living Streets Scotland
The Melting Pot, 15 Calton Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8DL
0131 573 7500
[email protected]
Living Streets Cymru
Sarah Philpott
07896 309967
[email protected]
Corporate Partnerships
Bradley Stamper
020 3832 9113
[email protected]
Press office
Our media team can arrange spokespeople, interviews, comments, photos or case studies.
Contact us during office hours on: 020 7377 4900 and select option 2, or email [email protected].
Out of office hours media enquiries, please call 07545 209 865.
Students: we get lots of requests from students for interviews. We try our best to accommodate these but during busy campaigning periods we don't always have the capacity to be able to do so. We apologise for these occasions and hope you understand that the work of the charity needs to be prioritised.
If you have a request, please email [email protected] with as much notice as possible.
Complaints procedure
Living Streets aims to provide high quality services and advice through our commercial and charitable work with beneficiaries, local groups and volunteers throughout the UK. We believe we achieve this most of the time. Sometimes, though, we do not get it right. We are committed to listening and learning.
If you have a complaint, please let us know. Our complaints policy sets out how you can contact us and how issues raised will be dealt with.