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Join one of the UK's biggest design competition for children, for a chance to win FREE walk to school resources for an entire year!  

Encourage your pupils to think big and see where in time it takes them. We’ll turn 11 winning entries into more than 300,000 badges to be awarded to WOW pupils who walk, wheel, scoot, cycle or Park and Stride to school across the UK next academic year.

This year's theme is Walk with Joy – we want you to show us what makes you happy! That might be seeing a bright, colourful flower or going on an exciting outdoor adventure. Or maybe it’s the wagging tail of your pet, eating your favourite yummy snack, or playing your favourite game. Does hearing a funny joke make you giggle, or does a big hug from someone you love make your heart feel warm? It could even be listening to your favourite song, drawing a picture, or watching the clouds float by.

Whatever makes you happy, grab your crayons or pencils and draw it! 

The badge competition deadline is Tuesday 25 February
a group of children drawing badges
Follow the 3 simple steps below to enter: 
Step 1. Download the entry form below. Photocopy and give out to each class. 

STEP 2: Collate your pupils’ entries and choose the top three designs to enter into the competition.  
little girl holding badge competition entry



Step 3. Submit your entries. You can do this via our online submission form or click the button below to email us with the subject line: ‘Badge Competition 2025’. 


an Asian girl in school uniform wearing badges on her cardigan stands on a street and smiles

SEND inclusion for whole school participation

We do our best to make WOW as inclusive as possible and we want all children to be able to participate in the badge design competition. However, we do understand that not all pupils might feel able to draw their entry or use our template form to do so. For this reason, when necessary to participate, we are giving pupils the option to enter using alternative formats. We encourage any format and are open to recommendations and feedback, but some suggestions are included below.

We’re still asking each school to only send their top three entries. Alternative format entries are not considered additional entries. Some alternative entry format suggestions include photography, photo of a model entry (using natural objects, Lego, or other modelling equipment), computer drawing/design, audio description, video description entry.

When supporting pupils in to enter using the alternative formats, the following information will need to be included as part of the entry: pupil name, age, their answer to ‘What did you choose to enter and why?’, school email, school name and address, Local Authority. Answers to the above, along with any additional information deemed necessary, can be included in writing or as an audio clip by the pupil or by a staff member working with them on the task.


Protecting the environment is incredibly important to us at Living Streets, it’s part of the reason we run WOW.

Since 2019, we’ve recycled and reused over 1.1 million badges by producing WOW trophies and rulers with them, as well as reusing them as rewards across our other Walk to School initiatives.


The current WOW badge theme is Walk With Imagination.

This theme challenged pupils to imagine a different walk to school and draw where their imagination took them!