In Darnley Living Streets group, we aim to promote road safety by encouraging walking as a safe and easy alternative to driving.
As a result, we hope to reduce traffic and unsafe parking to make our streets safer for our community.
We have several projects already under way:
- We have reintroduced our walking bus to school on a Monday and Friday and it has been a HUGE success.
- We have parking buddies and cones out on pavements to reduce unsafe and illegal pavement parking. These are proving to be very successful. We have been given a donation to purchase more cones.
- We have joined forces with a local school to fight for a safer environment. Children at the school have been doing their Junior Road Safety Officer training and we hope to involve them in our work.
- We set up a Park and Stride to help reduce congestion and road danger at Darnley Primary School.

We're currently looking for some more active people to get involved in our group - can you help?
Please get in touch to find out more or offer support - we'd love to hear from you.
You can email us via the link on the left.