Lambeth Living Streets is made up of local resident volunteers eager to make walking in Lambeth safer, easier and the streets more joyous.
With almost 60% of residents in our borough having no access to a car, it's vital that there are safe and pleasant options for getting around the neighbourhood.
Fewer cars, and more walking and wheeling, also means less pollution, improved health outcomes and greater well-being.
With the effects of Climate Change becoming increasingly evident in our lives, we seek to ensure that Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan is at the forefront of everybody’s mind – councillors, officers and residents.
This is why we advocate for better walking, cycling, scooting and wheeling conditions on our streets.
We're currently campaigning to:
- Support the implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets, bike lanes and 24/7 bus lanes that have been introduced in and around Lambeth in the past few years, with the hope of them being made permanent and extended across the borough.
- Extend controlled parking zones across Lambeth and implement changes to the charging structures so that cycle storage is not more expensive than car storage as is the case at present
- Influence the Council’s new Kerbside Management Strategy so that more street space is dedicated to people and less to storing cars
- Support community parklets
- Support other greening projects that make the best use of public space in and around Lambeth
- Ensure that those elements of Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan that affect walking and cycling are delivered on time by 2030
- Raise funds to support all initiatives

If you are interested in finding out more, lending your support, or if you have a concern or issue that you'd like us to look into, please get in touch via the links provided on the left.
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